Malaby Paralegal Roseanne Romano to be Presented the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) Affiliate Award
July 11, 2018
Malaby invites you to congratulate Roseanne Romano who will be the recipient of The National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) Affiliate Award next month at the NALA annual meeting in St. Louis, MO. NALA is known as the leading paralegal association in the United States. Roseanne serves as NALA's Liaison and Director of Publications. She is being recognized as a driving force expanding Greater New York Paralegal Association (GNYPA) due to her leadership skills, marketing expertise and creativity. She created the first GNYPA Spring newsletter and has written numerous articles about NALA's programs throughout the year. It is with great pride that Malaby makes this announcement. Congratulations Roseanne.