Toxic Tort Exposure Litigation

Toxic Tort Exposure Litigation

Our attorneys have been involved with and have defended toxic and chemical exposure product liability claims involving allegations of workplace exposure, environmental illness, and chemical sensitivity. At Malaby, we understand and are experienced in litigating the central issues of exposure, dosage and causation. Our attorneys have defended claims of disease allegedly caused by variety exposure such as asbestos, mold, solvents, benzene, lead, latex, pharmaceuticals and fumes. Representative clients are chemical manufacturers, petroleum manufacturers, premises owners, among others.

The Malaby attorneys are experienced toxic tort litigators. Regardless of the type of case, whether a single claim or part of a mass tort litigation we aggressively prepare our cases to be won at trial while at the same time being cognizant of client concerns of cost and efficiency. Our approach is to view each claim individually and employ a creative and compelling strategy tailored to each client case recognizing that each claim and situation is different. In analyzing each claim, our attorneys seek to create an exit strategy and if early resolution whether by motion, negotiation and settlement is in the client’s best interests, we always advise of clients accordingly.